Friday, July 16, 2010


Omegle conversation log


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Just getting this out of the way I'm an 18 year old male in the USA. You?
You: 19 f usa
Stranger: Nice. Where in the USA?
You: chicago
You: and yourself?
Stranger: Boston
Stranger: How has your Summer been so far?
You: it's been good
You: and yours?
Stranger: I've been enjoying it very much. You travel at all this Summer?
You: nope. just been hanging around a house
You: the house**
Stranger: Nice. You attending college?
You: i currently am
You: have you been accepted anywhere?
Stranger: I'm actually currently attending college as well. What college are you in?
You: I attend the university of buttfuck. i major in biochemical engineering and minor in testicular torture.
Stranger: That sounds like a rather painful place to attend. What type of testicular torture are you learning to implement?
You: well the focus of the course is directed toward the right testicle, the more fragile testicle if you will.
Stranger: Naturally.
You: next semester in TT 203 we are focusing on the molecular structure of the testicle and how nerve variants are displaced throughout the testicle, and how they differ from testicle to testicle
You: a quite interesting and painful process.
Stranger: Do you have any specimens in which to dissect?
You: but of course
You: you can not generate a fake testicle
You: that is, until the japanese make a robotic one
Stranger: It's only a matter of time. Do you find testicular torture to be arousing?
You: you are one sick fuck to ask that question
You: i am sure all this testicle talk is getting you on
Stranger: I see nothing wrong with one getting off on smashing a few balls.
You: smashing is too simple for testicular torture
You: far too simple
You: see
Stranger: I myself am taking aback, but if it's consensual I see nothing wrong with it.
You: what are you talking about
You: anyways, the focal point of pain within the testicle is when the seminiferous tubes are extrapolated from their inter-tubular linings
You: getting in there is painful enough, though
Stranger: Indeed. In a round about type of way I imagine it would be similar to how a women must feel when undergoing uterine prolaspe.
Stranger: prolapse*
You: well when i was a freshman, i considered going into ovarian torture
You: but
You: it just didn't work out
You: enough about me
You: what types of torture appeal to you
You: i see you are most efficient a boring people to death
Stranger: I myself don't see any pleasure in torture, and apologize if I'm causing you any ill-ease.
You: well torture is not for everyone
Stranger: True. I assume it takes a strong mental fortitude to go into
Stranger: and the ability to disassociate
Stranger: however you being a female shouldn't find it hard to disassociate when torturing one's testicles.
You: indeed
Stranger: So what lines of work are available for a testicle torturer?
You: oh quite a plenty
You: FBI
You: CTU
You: TTT
Stranger: KKK?
You: NO!
You: that is not funny, you insensitive prick.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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