Monday, June 14, 2010


Don't ask for advice from anyone on Omegle...even me.

Omegle conversation log


ou're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: salutations!
Stranger: hey, can you give me some advice?
You: sure thing, on what?
Stranger: a boy
Stranger: so there's this guy i like and he partially likes me but have anxiety about girls and has work a lot and not a lot of free time, but i can tell he likes me, so i asked him if he wanted to get high and listen to music some time, and he was all excited and said yeah, then i asked him on friday if he wanted to do that that night but then he said he forgot he had to go hang out with his friend he doesnt get to see often, but the next day we could hang out, and then the next day i texted him and was like whats up
You: and he didnt answer b cuz he got transfered at work and was like pissed or something b cuz of that
You: so now i feel totally paranoid like he doesnt like me cos he never answered but idk
You: what do u think?
You: i think you have a pathetic life. you really do and ought to consult a psychiatrist over this knit-picky issue that you apparently need advice on. if you want to know if this fellow likes you, then be direct and ask him. i'm a guy and honestly i would love a girl to be direct with me.
You: texts are bullshit
Stranger: well, that's you, it makes some people nervous
You: call him
You: call him
You: enough of the text crap
Stranger: i sent one.
You: if you call, you get an answer
You: well then
You: confront him
Stranger: yeah true.
Stranger: but i'm too much of a pussy to do so
Stranger: who calls anymore?
You: i do
You: i make a point of it
You: it's de-socializing society
You: texts are bullshit
Stranger: absolutely.
You: seriously
You: tell him how you feel
You: you never know, this guy might like you
Stranger: he already knows i like him, and he does like me.
You: and if he doesn't, you won't spend all your time wondering
Stranger: which is why the avoidance is bothering me
You: i wouldn't be too concerned about it
You: just ask
You: life isn't a soap opera
You: or
You: the OC
Stranger: well, i'll call and see what happens from there
You: good
You: now
You: go away
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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